A family without rules is more terrible than having no money.
A family without rules is more terrible than having no money.
​ good family style, is the most precious wealth of a family!

Mencius said: "No rules, no square."

everything in the world has rules, which is not only a kind of criterion, but also a kind of discretion.

if a man has no rules, he is apt to get into trouble; if a family has no rules, he is apt to fall apart.

rules are a compulsory course in everyone's life. If one wants to succeed, one needs to obey the rules. If a family wants to prosper, it needs rules and discipline.

Freedom with rules is called liveliness

Freedom without rules is called impudence

in the book Family Education, it is written:

Freedom with rules is called lively; freedom without rules is called presumptuous; not presumptuous is called rules, not lively is called rigid.

in life, many parents will feel that rules will bind their children's character and obliterate their children's nature. they do not realize that the freedom without rules is precisely the culprit that destroys their children.

on February 9, 2019, a mother put her child on a dangerous railing to give her child a better view of the panda. As a result, her child fell into the breeding pool.

parents like this are numerous in their lives, they have no sense of safety, and they don't understand the importance of the rules.

you know, rules seem to be a kind of constraint, but in fact, they are more of a kind of protection. Ignoring rules is tantamount to ignoring life.

as parents, while warning their children about the importance of rules, they also need to lead by example.

in foreign countries, when a little boy was shopping in the supermarket, he kept bumping into the leg of the man in front of him with a shopping cart, while the boy's mother turned a blind eye to the scene.

A writer once said:

"the shortcomings of children are not terrible.

if parents do not know how to educate their children, they will not only cause mental harm to their children, but also be irresponsible for their children's lives.


Bill Gates also said: as parents, one of the most important duties is to bind children with rules when they are young.

there is no rule without rules. If parents want to give their children a bright future, the most important thing they can't ignore is rules education.

good children are carefully educated by their parents, while bad children are blindly indulged and spoiled by their parents.

as parents, they may be able to tolerate their children blindly, but society will never spoil their children.

those mistakes that are covered up and buried are like a ticking time bomb hidden in the child's body, which will one day make the child suffer the consequences.

you are reluctant to set rules for your children

someone will teach him a long lesson in the future

as the old saying goes: look young at three and look old at five.

A child's appearance when he grows up can be seen at the age of three and can be guessed at the age of five.

therefore, if you want to cultivate excellent children, you must start from an early age. As the saying goes, "if you don't repair a small tree, you can't become a man."


, only when you start to discipline well from an early age, can you understand the truth and know right and wrong when you grow up.

if you choose to satisfy the child without a bottom line, and do not teach the child to understand reason and rules, it will be the child himself who will be destroyed in the end.

there is such a news that when a father and his child were eating in a restaurant, the child kept quarrelling, and the neighbor kindly sent peanuts to discipline the child, and the parents not only did not stop but also threatened each other.

then the bear child intensified, spitting on the other party's Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil. After several provocations, the other side took out a knife and stabbed the parent to death, and suffocated the bear child in Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil.

after investigation, it turns out that both men are wanted criminals and are still carrying human lives.

it is written in the Collection of Sunzhizhai: "to love his son but not to teach is still not to love; to teach but not to be good is not to teach."

if a parent does not give his child a correct education and is reluctant to set rules for his child, then someone will naturally help him learn a lesson.

in a family, rules are like the steering wheel of a racing car. once they lose their direction, they will fail, and if they are serious, they will "die in a car crash".

people's Daily once posted such a video in which a child suspected of telecom fraud cried bitterly with his mother.

in the video, my mother said with heartache: "if I can't teach you, society will teach you."

Mother's words are really heartbreaking. Nothing in the world is more pitiful than the hearts of parents in the world.

but as parents, they loved their children when they were young, and if they didn't educate them well, it was already too late to teach them a lesson when they grew up.

"Yan's Family motto" says: "Father and son are so strict that they cannot be blamed; flesh-and-blood love cannot be simplified. Jane does not take care of filial piety, while he is slow to rest. "

as parents, they must choose the good and be stubborn. Only by making good rules for their children can they understand what they can and cannot do.

rules are the "umbrella" of a child's life. Only those who know and obey the rules can move towards a bright and broad future.

families want to prosper

can't do without rules

both poor and rich families need good family rules. through the ages, all enduring families have their own rules.

the family of Zeng Guofan, an important minister in the late Qing Dynasty, more than 200Over the past few years, there has been no "black sheep" in the eight generations of Zeng's descendants, precisely because of its unique family rules.

the key reason why the Yan family can continue to prosper for 500 years lies in education and his "Yan family motto".


generation of sage Confucius, whose Confucius family has been passed on for 2500 years, is precisely because of his family style of "poetry and etiquette".

etiquette, that is, rules, do not abide by the rules, how to grow up.

Guo Jingjing, the famous Olympic diving queen, also attaches great importance to rules. Guo Jingjing said about her children in an interview:

"the child's grandfather often comes to see the child while he is studying, but I always let him finish his homework before going to play with him."

Guo Jingjing is never careless about this matter. In her mind, she thinks that this is the rule.

as an athlete, Guo Jingjing is well aware of the importance of rules, so when she educates her children, she naturally asks them to obey them.

you should know that rules are the foundation of parenting, and rules are not only a sign of adulthood, but also a sign of adulthood. Only by letting children obey and understand rules can they thrive.

the real rule is the rule of love, and the real love is love with rules.

so as parents, they must teach their children a few rules of daily behavior so as not to suffer big losses in the future.

1. When you see your elders, you must take the initiative to say hello.

2. When the elders give something, they must pick it up with both hands.

3. When eating, you must wait for the elders to move the chopsticks before starting.

4. When eating, don't be picky, don't waste food, don't chirp, don't beat bowls and chopsticks.

5. Be sure to eat with your mouth, not with your mouth. Take the food into your mouth instead of looking for it with your mouth.

6. Hands do not hold the bowl for a lifetime, shake legs and shrug shoulders to destroy three generations, eat like a meal, do not shake legs and shrug shoulders, hands should also hold the bowl.

7. When you go out, don't make any noise in the crowd so as not to affect others.

Han Feizi once said, "everything has its rules."

Yan Shun also said: "the heart is like a rule, the will is like a ruler, the mind is as calm as water, and the integrity is like a rope."

Don't think that a well-behaved child suffers a loss. As the so-called Longyou Shoal suffers from shrimp drama, dragons are dragons after all, and one day they will go to sea.

Children with rules and principles can walk better in the world, and children who lose principles and rules will lose their foothold.

A psychologist once said: "sow behavior, reap habits; sow habits, reap character; sow character, reap destiny."

rules affect the fate of each of us invisibly. If a family wants to have a good future, it must be inseparable from rules.

families with rules will get rich no matter how hard they are, because they are in awe, and families without rules will be ruined no matter how rich they are, because the family style is not right.

A good family style is the most precious wealth of a family!

, I hope that from now on, we can all build a family with rules and rules, and in constantly standardizing our words and deeds and improving our conduct, we will let our families shine and lead to happiness and success!


, only when you start to discipline well from an early age, can you understand the truth and know right and wrong when you grow up.

if you choose to satisfy the child without a bottom line, and do not teach the child to understand reason and rules, it will be the child himself who will be destroyed in the end.

there is such a news that when a father and his child were eating in a restaurant, the child kept quarrelling, and the neighbor kindly sent peanuts to discipline the child, and the parents not only did not stop but also threatened each other.

then the bear child intensified, spitting on the other party's Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil. After several provocations, the other side took out a knife and stabbed the parent to death, and suffocated the bear child in Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil.

after investigation, it turns out that both men are wanted criminals and are still carrying human lives.

it is written in the Collection of Sunzhizhai: "to love his son but not to teach is still not to love; to teach but not to be good is not to teach."

if a parent does not give his child a correct education and is reluctant to set rules for his child, then someone will naturally help him learn a lesson.

in a family, rules are like the steering wheel of a racing car. once they lose their direction, they will fail, and if they are serious, they will "die in a car crash".

people's Daily once posted such a video in which a child suspected of telecom fraud cried bitterly with his mother.

in the video, my mother said with heartache: "if I can't teach you, society will teach you."

Mother's words are really heartbreaking. Nothing in the world is more pitiful than the hearts of parents in the world.

but as parents, they loved their children when they were young, and if they didn't educate them well, it was already too late to teach them a lesson when they grew up.

"Yan's Family motto" says: "Father and son are so strict that they cannot be blamed; flesh-and-blood love cannot be simplified. Jane does not take care of filial piety, while he is slow to rest. "

as parents, they must choose the good and be stubborn. Only by making good rules for their children can they understand what they can and cannot do.

rules are the "umbrella" of a child's life. Only those who know and obey the rules can move towards a bright and broad future.

families want to prosper

can't do without rules

both poor and rich families need good family rules. through the ages, all enduring families have their own rules.

the family of Zeng Guofan, an important minister in the late Qing Dynasty, more than 200Over the past few years, there has been no "black sheep" in the eight generations of Zeng's descendants, precisely because of its unique family rules.

the key reason why the Yan family can continue to prosper for 500 years lies in education and his "Yan family motto".

generation of sage Confucius, whose Confucius family has been passed on for 2500 years, is precisely because of his family style of "poetry and etiquette".

etiquette, that is, rules, do not abide by the rules, how to grow up.

Guo Jingjing, the famous Olympic diving queen, also attaches great importance to rules. Guo Jingjing said about her children in an interview:

"the child's grandfather often comes to see the child while he is studying, but I always let him finish his homework before going to play with him."

Guo Jingjing is never careless about this matter. In her mind, she thinks that this is the rule.

as an athlete, Guo Jingjing is well aware of the importance of rules, so when she educates her children, she naturally asks them to obey them.

you should know that rules are the foundation of parenting, and rules are not only a sign of adulthood, but also a sign of adulthood. Only by letting children obey and understand rules can they thrive.

the real rule is the rule of love, and the real love is love with rules.

so as parents, they must teach their children a few rules of daily behavior so as not to suffer big losses in the future.

1. When you see your elders, you must take the initiative to say hello.

2. When the elders give something, they must pick it up with both hands.

3. When eating, you must wait for the elders to move the chopsticks before starting.

4. When eating, don't be picky, don't waste food, don't chirp, don't beat bowls and chopsticks.

5. Be sure to eat with your mouth, not with your mouth. Take the food into your mouth instead of looking for it with your mouth.

6. Hands do not hold the bowl for a lifetime, shake legs and shrug shoulders to destroy three generations, eat like a meal, do not shake legs and shrug shoulders, hands should also hold the bowl.

7. When you go out, don't make any noise in the crowd so as not to affect others.

Han Feizi once said, "everything has its rules."

Yan Shun also said: "the heart is like a rule, the will is like a ruler, the mind is as calm as water, and the integrity is like a rope."

Don't think that a well-behaved child suffers a loss. As the so-called Longyou Shoal suffers from shrimp drama, dragons are dragons after all, and one day they will go to sea.

Children with rules and principles can walk better in the world, and children who lose principles and rules will lose their foothold.

A psychologist once said: "sow behavior, reap habits; sow habits, reap character; sow character, reap destiny."

rules affect the fate of each of us invisibly. If a family wants to have a good future, it must be inseparable from rules.

families with rules will get rich no matter how hard they are, because they are in awe, and families without rules will be ruined no matter how rich they are, because the family style is not right.

A good family style is the most precious wealth of a family!

, I hope that from now on, we can all build a family with rules and rules, and in constantly standardizing our words and deeds and improving our conduct, we will let our families shine and lead to happiness and success!

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